22nd December 2024

Search Weston on Trent Parish Council

Weston on Trent Parish Council Serving the people of Weston on Trent

September 2024


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on 16th September 2024

Present: Cllrs Green, Harper, Mrs Freeman, Than, Neville, Wilkins, County Cllr Neil Atkin and District Cllr Dan Corbin.

There were 2 members of the public present.

1.Public session

One person is considering moving to Weston Parish and was concerned about the flooding issues in Yates Avenue, an update was given -the matter is not yet resolved but work is going on to find a solution.

The other parishioner was from The Avenue and although pleased some of the road markings have been put in place reported that these had by no means solved the problem. Cars are still parking directly opposite the entrance to The Avenue. Cllr Atkin suggested writing to Richard Hanbury to ask when the rest of the work will be done.

1.County Cllr's report – Cllr Atkin reported that he has been on holiday and has now taken up the problems with flooding in The Square with Richard Ward at DCC. The highway in The Square is not adopted so they are looking to see what can be done. He will report back to the Parish Council as soon as he has any information. The Freedom of Information request is still being sorted. Severn Trent has also been dealing with a water leak in Laurel Drive and have had to dig up some gardens -this may or may not be connected with the main issue in Yates Avenue.

2.District Cllr's report - Cllr Corbin spoke about the National Grid consultation and encouraged people to make their comments known. The route and the type of pylons being planned need to be questioned. Has putting it underground been sufficiently explored? Could the route follow the M1 not the A50 and so have less of an impact on the countryside. Also why is it so urgent as the move to hydrogen could make them obsolete?

The phone mast in Aston is just waiting for the final paperwork to be signed so should be in place soon.

3.Declaration of Interests – none declared

4.Apologies – Cllr Steadman and District Cllr Peter Watson

5.Minutes of the previous meeting having been previously circulated the minutes were deemed to have been read and were agreed as a true record of the meeting held on 19th August 2024

6.Matters arising from the minutes

Network Rail – Some of the work has been done on the hedges along the stretch of Swarkestone Road ,opposite the Ukranian Center. There has been considerable disruption due to night workings on the line through the village. Cllrs Green and Neville will draft a letter about the level of disruption this is causing.

Flooding issues -covered in Cllr Atkin's report

National grid – new consultation forms have been sent out due to a missing question in the originals.The Parish Council's response has been sent – the main points are as follows; it is needed but why have they chosen this route? There are already 19 pylons going through Weston. We would like to see proper costings as the proposed route is 15km longer and obviously more expensive. There also seems to be problems at Cuttlebridge with the potential development that is planned.


Chair's report – Cllr Green reported that the annual Communication event is planned for 16th November.

The Council has received comments about state of the churchyard , the Parish Council could be asked to provide more funding . This will be discussed at the finance meeting before the next precept is set. Cllr Freeman thanked the Scouts for helping to get it back under control.

Clerk's report – The annual play area inspection has been booked but as yet have not got a date.

The Playmobile made 2 visits during the school holidays, there was no rain so they were able to us the Recreation Ground.

The new bins have been added to the emptying schedule.

It was noted that the dog bin next to the bus stop in Trent Lane is wobbly – Cllrs Neville and Wilkins will look at it.

Footpath Officer's Report – all paths are in good condition, the vegetation has died back and there is no mud. There are still some signs missing on the paths outside the village towards Chellaston. Cllr Green to contact DCC.

-8. Planning – DMPA/2024/0338 Change of use of garage of residential dwelling (use class 3C) to dog grooming salon at 25 Maple Drive, Aston on Trent DE72 2DGthe Council has no issues with this application.

9. Correspondence

Temporary road closure _ Swarkestone Road on 20/10/24. The road will be closed from 0600 to 14.00 to facilitate tree felling next to the railway line.

There will be a diversion in place using Chellaston Lane in Aston round to Chellaston and back along Swarkestone Road.

Vandalism in Long Walk Wood – some trees have been spray painted apparently by local youths who objected to the removal of their den. The paint will not have caused any significant damage to the trees.

SDDC review of polling districts and polling places- notices about this are in the information boards and the review is open until January 2025

SDDC Snow Warden Scheme – this is running again this year. After discussion it was decided not to join the scheme.

Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum to be held on 15th October

Campaign to increase the safety of e-bikes – these are not an issue in the parish

Home Energy Efficiency Workshop- to be held on 19th September at Melbourne Assembly Rooms

10 Section 106 – a list of trees with TPO's has been received

11.Website – the new website is up and running


Invoices awaiting payment

Clerk's wages £254.25

Clerk's expenses £28.50

Cllr Green for bark £52.00

D Harrison for notice boards £965.00

Clerk's tax £245.40

AB Penny- bench installation £2300

It was noted that the decimal point was missed off the clerk's wages last month. It should have read £327.05 not £32,705

Audit – awaiting finalisation

The meeting closed at 10.00